Investment Project Financing (IPF) is a long-term (5 to10 year horizon) loan from the World Bank to governments and supports a wide range of activities including capital-intensive investments, service delivery, community-based development, and institution building. Besides supplying borrowing countries with needed financing, IPF also serves as a vehicle for sustained, global knowledge transfer and technical assistance. This includes support for analytical and design work in the conceptual stages of project preparation as well as technical support and expertise during implementation.
Associated Website(s)
Products and Services: Investment Project Financing
Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project
Fiji — Pacific Regional Connectivity Program Project
Palau–FSM Connectivity Project: AF Kosrae Connectivity
Vanuatu Aviation Investment Project
West Africa Regional Communications Infrastructure Project
Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF)
Managed by the World Bank’s Infrastructure, Guarantees and PPPs team on behalf of donors, the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a global technical assistance facility that facilitates private sector involvement in infrastructure. The PPIAF team does so by providing technical assistance and knowledge grants to support the creation of a sound enabling environment for the private sector to provide infrastructure services. These grants are often delivered through a World Bank team on behalf of a government recipient.
Associated Website(s)
Caribbean Infrastructure PPP Roadmap
Moving Forward: Developing Highway PPPs in Lao PDR
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