Loan Mortgage additional file

This course will be available to you for three months from the date of purchase. You can login to your account at any time (24/7) to complete this course within those three months.

This course is presented as an online self-study video course with supplementary literature and content. The course is made up of 3 chapters broken into 5 minute sections that require clicking to advance to the next slide and includes a handful of small quizzes. After completing the introduction to the course, each section will start with an average duration of 5 minutes per section. Each 5-minute section will be followed by an activity. These activities can be either short quizzes or case studies focusing on certain concepts.

At the end of each chapter, there is a chapter quiz with a final exam at the end of the course. Students must complete all presentations and activity sections, all quizzes and tests, and the final exam in order to receive credit for the course. After completing the course, students will receive a certificate of completion.

4 Hour New Jersey Online Self-Study PE Course Outline

Chapter 1: License Law and Regulation

Chapter 2: Compliance

Chapter 3: Predatory Lending and Identity Theft